Youth Workshop

September 2008

Indeland 40 years ahead. Today's decision makers will experience the effects of their decisions as very old people but it is the next generations who have to bear the consequences. Young people who are aged 15 to 18 today will be at the peak of their professional development in the year 2050. The recultivated open pit will be part of their lifes. This was the reason for the Aachen foundation to start an intensive dialogue with young people of this age.

Target Group
Sixth formers of secondary schools and comprehensive schools

A two day workshop with young people of the region has been realized to accompany the scenario project. Their associations and expectations have been integrated into the overall scenario process and very engaged people have been invited to participate in the scenario workshop.

Success scenarios have been chosen for the methodical access. Success scenarios are always positive scenarios and must be distinguished from qualitative scenarios which primarily identify and run through different possible developments without bias. The future described in success scenarios is always characterized by a successful development by those who have developed the scenarios. The basic idea of success scenarios is to develop a longterm vision of the future and an imagination of how to reach them.


IPA Netzwerk (implementation)
Aachen Foundation (initiation)

The workshop took place in Aachen in September 2008. The results of this workshop have also been used for the first scenario workshop in Monschau. Some participants of the youth workshop also participated in the scenario workshop.
