

Marketing of regional food with the goal to extend sustainability in the sense of the agenda 21. On all levels from production via processing and trade to consumption.

Target Group
Agriculture, citizens, food producing and processing people, trade, consumers

The so-called Aachen Platform was a short-term cooperation of food producing and processing people of the Greater Aachen region. Goal of this cooperation was not only the increase of the partners turnover but new ways along the value added chain on the food sector. The name "na(h)türlich"? was the name for regional products of the Aachen Platform which were sold in a supermarket in Aachen.

Aachen Foundation
Food producing and processing people of the Aachen region
Elmar Damke GmbH
Hit Supermarket GmbH

Unfortunately the project could not be continued due to the lack of professionality of the logistical partners. The experience of this former regional marketing project can be found in a new project called Regiomarché. Regiomarché has a more professional performance, an efficient logistic and is Euregional, which means Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg and Germany.